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7777 S General Bruce Dr, Temple, TX, 76502

In-Transit Vehicles

Open Today! Service: 8am-2pm Call us at: 254-822-6233

You know that excitement you feel when you find the exact right combination of features in your next new car? It’s exactly what you’ve been searching for, and you know it was made just for you. We want you to feel like that right now!

If you’re having trouble finding exactly what you’re looking for on our website, don’t worry. We have 100s of in-transit vehicles right now, so your dream car could be on its way. Just give us a call or click the Chat button on the bottom right of this page, and our dedicated specialists will help you out. Here’s to that “found my perfect car” feeling!

CALL US: 254-212-4108

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Don Ringler Toyota 31.058766, -97.4355758.